Man kills friend by assaulting with pestle

A person has been clubbed to death by his friend at Nugagahalanda space in Meegala-Mathugama, explicit enzyme Derana communicator.

Reportedly, the deceased, a 37-year-old spouse, has been mistreated with a pestle (‘Mol Gaha’) by his friend when intense alcohol, last night (19).

The suspect, World Health Organization had worked in Italian Republic along with his family it slow back, had been living in Welipenna in Matugama. The deceased had been living within the house of the suspect to stay him company.

According to the confession of the suspect, World Health Organization is presently below arrest, the deceased had created death threats at him at many instances demanding cash.

After committing the murder, the suspect, himself, has known as the Police emergency hotline (119) and abreast of of the matter. later on, the officers of the Welipenna station had received the scene and in remission him.

Kalutara Crime Investigation Unit is conducting any investigations on the matter.